在校生 Current Students |
黃兪真 Huang, Yu-Zhen |
指導教授: Advisor: |
公維強 Kong, Wei-Chiang |
指導教授: Advisor: |
陳長聖 Chen, Chang-sheng |
指導教授: Advisor: |
曾俊維 Tseng, Chun-Wei |
指導教授: Advisor: |
邱士哲 Chiou, Shyh-Tse |
指導教授: Advisor: |
劉旭鈞 Liu, Hsu-Chun |
指導教授:王文基老師 Advisor: Wang, Wen-Ji |
吳宜倫 Wu, Yi-Lun |
指導教授:王文基老師 Advisor: Wang, Wen-Ji |
劉奕承 Liu, Yi-Cheng |
指導教授:范玫芳老師 Advisor: Fan, Mei-Fang |
陳朱鋆 Chen, Chu-Yun |
指導教授:彭松嶽老師 Advisor: Perng, Sung-Yueh |
廖育謙 Liao, Yu-Qian |
指導教授:嚴曉珮老師 Advisor: Yen, Hsiao-pei |
葉庭佑 Ye, Ting-You |
指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Advisor: Chen, Jia-shin |
邱立軒 Chiu, Li-Hsuan |
指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Advisor: Chen, Jia-shin |
李權峰 Lee, Chuan-Feng |
指導教授:彭松嶽老師 Advisor: Perng, Sung-Yueh |
陳人平 Chen, Jen-Ping |
指導教授:范玫芳老師 Advisor: Fan, Mei-Fang |
潘謐 Pan, Mi |
指導教授:顧彩璇老師 Advisor: Ku, Sharon Tsai-Hsuan |
陳世宗 Chen, Shih-Zong |
指導教授:林宜平老師 Advisor: Lin, Yi-Ping |
陳泓元 Chen, Hong-Yuan |
指導教授:范玫芳老師 Advisor: Fan, Mei-Fang |
曾立揚 Tseng, Li-Yang |
指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Advisor: Chen, Jia-shin |
葉柏成 Yeh, Po-Cheng |
指導教授:彭松嶽老師 Advisor: Perng, Sung-Yueh |
邱盈暄 Chiu, Ying-Hsuan |
指導教授:洪紹洋老師 Advisor: Hong, Sao-Yang |
蔣秉翰 Chiang, Ping-Han |
指導教授:嚴曉珮老師 Advisor: Yen, Hsiao-pei |
張復舜 Chang, Fu-Shun |
指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Advisor: Chen, Jia-shin |
林晉丞 Lin, Chin-Cheng |
指導教授: Advisor: |
謝曜聰 Heieh, Yao-Tsung |
指導教授:王文基老師 Advisor: Wang, Wen-Ji |
許菁芳 Hsu, Ching-Fang |
指導教授:林宜平老師、陳嘉新老師 Advisor: Lin, Yi-Ping, Chen, Jia-shin |
張維家 Chang, Wei-Chia |
指導教授:彭松嶽老師 Advisor: Perng, Sung-Yueh |
章連捷 Chang, Lien-Chieh |
指導教授:嚴曉珮老師 Advisor: Yen, Hsiao-pei |
畢業生 Graduated Students |
【113學年度】 | |
吳至威 Wu, Chih-Wei |
論文題目:基因檢測、社會污名與白化症患者之生育抉擇:一個白化症研究者的視角 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Genetic Testing, Social Stigma, and Reproductive Choices of Individuals with Albinism: A Perspective from a Researcher with Albinism Advisor: Lin, Yi-Ping |
【112學年度】 | |
吳弈臻 Wu, Yi-Zhen |
論文題目:審議民主推動組織在疫情期間的溝通行動與應變:以熱吵民主協會為例 指導教授:范玫芳老師 Thesis Title: Communication Strategies and Coping of Deliberative Democracy Advocacy Organizations During the Pandemic: A Case Study of Taiwan Reach-Out Association for Democracy Advisor: Fan, Mei-Fang |
趙一穎 Chao, Yi-Ying |
論文題目:拆解法律與精神醫學的複合體:從科技與社會取徑探究戰後台灣精神障礙抗辯之轉化 指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Unpacking a Legal-Psychiatric Complex: An STS Study on the Transformation of the Insanity Defense in Post-war Taiwan Advisor: Chen, Jia-shin |
柯騰 Ko, Teng |
論文題目:在地知識與多元利害關係人協商:以新冠疫情下的綠島觀光防疫為例 指導教授:范玫芳老師 Thesis Title: Local Knowledge and Stakeholder Negotiation: A Case Study of COVID-19 Prevention in Green Island Tourism Advisor: Fan, Mei-Fang |
陳迦勒 Tan, Jia-Le |
論文題目:辨疾明原:戰後臺灣營養社群與知識建構 (1950-1970s) 指導教授:嚴曉珮老師 Thesis Title: Disorder and Diagnosis: The Nutritional Landscape of Post-War Taiwan (1950-1970s) Advisor: Yen, Hsiao-pei |
蔣方怡 Chiang, Fang-Yi |
論文題目:以照護的邏輯看核電的實作與理性 指導教授:彭松嶽老師 Thesis Title: Reconsidering the Rationality of Nuclear Power Practices with the Logic of Care Advisor: Perng, Sung-Yueh |
【111學年度】 | |
林千慈 Lin, Chien-Tzu |
論文題目:組裝「智慧」農業:技術想像與田間實作 指導教授:彭松嶽老師 Thesis Title: Assembling “Smart” Farming: Technical Imaginaries and Agricultural Practices Advisor: Perng, Sung-Yueh |
宋湘庭 Song, Hsiang-Ting |
論文題目:隱身在護理專業背後的技能:一個STS的反省 指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Expertise Hidden Behind the Nursing Profession: an STS based Reflection Advisor: Chen, Jia-shin |
【110學年度】 | |
黃馨頤 Huang, Hsin-I |
論文題目:是誰決定我們的疫苗:台灣預防接種專家諮詢體制與政策 指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and Vaccination Policy in Taiwan Advisor: Chen, Jia-shin |
吳孟翰 Wu, Mong-Han |
論文題目:民國時期中醫婦科知識網絡的編織與改造:以月經為中心的考察 指導教授:傅大為老師、雷祥麟老師 Thesis Title: Weaving and Reforming the Knowledge/Hesse Network of Chinese Medicine on Gynecology in China’s Republic Era: An Menstruation-Centered investigation Advisor: Fu, Daiwie、Lei, Sean Hsiang-lin |
劉湘蓉 Liu, Xiang-Rong |
論文題目:重組海洋文明:離岸風電、彰化近沿海漁業與多物種社會世界 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Reassembling the Sea and Civilizations: Offshore Wind Energy, Changhua Coastal Fisheries and Multispecies Social Worlds Advisor: Lin, Yi-Ping |
張良 Chang, Liang |
論文題目:「社計」照護故事:家庭照護議題桌遊的創造與實踐 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Socio-designing on Care Stories: STS Making and Doing of the Family Care Issues Tabletop Games Advisor: Lin, Yi-Ping |
【109學年度】 | |
溫志強 Chih-Chiang Wen |
論文題目:製造臺灣的工業人:工業職校的師生(1950-1970年) 指導教授:嚴曉珮老師 Thesis Title: The Making of Taiwanese Workers: The Teachers and Students of the Industrial Vocational Schools(1950-1970) Advisor: Hsiao-pei Yen |
黃天愛 Tien-Ai Huang |
論文題目:照表操課 ── 失智日照中心的時間表與時間經驗 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Follow the Timetable: Timetable and Experience of Time in Dementia Day Care Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin |
鄭兆庭 Chao-Ting Cheng |
論文題目:重構飛安:台灣飛航事故調查的科技法律爭議 指導教授:傅大為老師、陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Re-constructing Flight Safety: The Techno-Legal Controversies of Aviation Occurrence Investigation in Taiwan Advisor: Daiwie Fu、Jia-shin Chen |
徐孟鈺 MENG-YU XU |
論文題目:疾病復原的迴圈:台灣健保給付制度下康復之家的生存策略與照顧技術 指導教授:王文基老師 Thesis Title: Survival Strategies and Caring Techniques of Psychiatric Halfway Houses under Taiwan’s Health Insurance Payment System Advisor: Wen-Ji Wang |
林子勤 Tzu-chin Lin |
論文題目:一試再試:ADHD孩童家長的另類醫療經驗與照護邏輯 指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Trying and Trying Again: The Experience of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the Logic of Care among ADHD Children’s Parents Advisor: Jia-shin Chen |
楊文喬 Wen-Chiao Yang |
論文題目:左利手的歷史、技術與身體研究 指導教授:傅大為老師、陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: A STS Study on the History, Technology and Body of Left-hander Advisor: Daiwie Fu、Jia-shin Chen |
廖苡珊 Yi-Shan Liao |
論文題目:田中央的織布聚落:河下產業與土地的社會技術裝配 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Weaving Settlement: Marketization of Textile Industry and Farmland in HeHsia Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin |
【108學年度】 | |
王子銨 Tzu-An Wang |
論文題目:初探運動傷害的治療軌跡:身體感知、醫療體驗與功能恢復 指導教授:郭文華老師 Thesis Title: Tracing Treatment Trajectories of Sports Injuries: Bodily Sense, Therapeutic Experience, and Functional Recovery Advisor: Wen-Hua Kuo |
陳禹安 Yu-An Chen |
論文題目:尋找善終:台灣緩和醫療的發展與臨床實踐 指導教授:郭文華老師 Thesis Title: Clinical Ways toward Good Deaths: Palliative Medicine as Institutions and Caring Practices in Taiwan Advisor: Wen-Hua Kuo |
尹燕哲 Yan-Je Yin |
論文題目:矛盾性失眠的生命史:失眠主體、睡眠分析技術、與診斷知識的形構過程,1930s-2019 指導教授:王文基老師 Thesis Title: A Biography of Paradoxical Insomnia: PSG and the Constitution of Aberrant Insomniacs, 1930s-2019. Advisor: Wen-Ji Wang |
黃獻緯 Hsien-Wei Huang |
論文題目:精品化作為在地化:國際評鑑準則與魚池咖啡在地技術 指導教授:楊弘任老師、林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Specialty with Locality: International Standards and Local Techniques of Coffee Production in Yuchih Township Advisor: Hung-Jen Yang、Yi-Ping Lin |
趙子翔 Tzu-Hsiang Chao |
論文題目:偵破謊言可能嗎?台灣測謊技術的STS研究 指導教授:傅大為老師、王文基老師 Thesis Title: The Plausibility of Lie Detection: A STS Study on the Technology and Practice of Polygraph in Post-War Taiwan Advisor: Daiwie Fu、Wen-Ji Wang |
郭家穎 Chia-Ying Kuo |
論文題目:拼裝愷他命:台灣社區愷他命使用者的用藥軌跡與風險知覺 指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Assembling Ketamine: The Drug Use Trajectories and Risk Perception of Community-Based Ketamine Users in Taiwan Advisor: Jia-shin Chen |
蔡令儀 Ling-Yi Tsai |
論文題目:日治初期鼠疫防治與現代臺灣漢醫的萌生 指導教授:雷祥麟老師 Thesis Title: Plague Control and the Inception of Modern Han Medicine in Early Colonial Taiwan, 1896-1901 Advisor: Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei |
【107學年度】 | |
范瑞鑫 Jui-Hsin Fan |
論文題目:方法論的炫示或迴避?:SSK與ANT兩次爭議中的異同、關係與意蘊 指導教授:楊弘任老師、陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: To Play Methodological Peacock or Ostrich?: Differences, Similarities, Relationships and Implications in Two Debates between SSK and ANT Advisor: Hung-Jen Yang、Jia-shin Chen |
徐佳鈺 Chia-Yu Hsu |
論文題目:台灣克流感強制授權之利害關係人分析 指導教授:陳嘉新老師、陳敦源老師 Thesis Title: A Stakeholder Analysis of the Compulsory Licensing of Tamiflu in Taiwan Advisor: Jia-shin Chen、Don-Yun Chen |
鄒宗晏 Tsung-Yen Tsou |
論文題目:越界秘方:台灣塑化劑事件中的食品產業、技術與法規管制 指導教授:楊弘任老師、林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Undisciplined Formula: Food Industry, Technology, and Regulation in Taiwan Plasticizer Event Advisor: Hung-Jen Yang、Yi-Ping Lin |
【106學年度】 | |
王志弘 Chih-Hung Wang |
論文題目:多重基礎設施化的物質政治:台北市道路治理的部署與轉譯 指導教授:楊弘任老師 Thesis Title: The Material Politics of Multiple Infrastructuring: Deployment and Translation of the Road Governance in Taipei Advisor: Hung-Jen Yang |
王業翰 Yeh-Han Wang |
論文題目:藥物知識與分類:艾瑞莎的研發與肺癌診斷實作 指導教授:郭文華老師 Thesis Title: Pharmaceutical Knowledge and Classification: The Development of Iressa and the Changing Diagnostic Practices of Lung Cancer Advisor: Wen-Hua Kuo |
蔡庭玉 Ting-Yu Cai |
論文題目:仵作的屍體檢驗實作:以乾隆朝江西省為例 指導教授:張哲嘉老師、王文基老師 Thesis Title: Wuzuo and Autopsy Practice in the Jiangxi Province during the Qianlong Reign Advisor: Che-Chia Chang、Wen-Ji Wang |
林易鈴 Yin-Ling Lin |
論文題目:護心旅行:心臟疾病臨床護理研究 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: A Trip to Protect Your Heart: Studies of Cardiovascular Nursing Care Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin |
陳俐伊 Li-I Chen |
論文題目:協商分類:台灣急診五級檢傷分類實作分析 指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Negotiating Classifications: The Practice of Taiwan Triage and Acuity Scale Advisor: Jia-shin Chen |
張邦彥 Pang-Yen Chang |
論文題目:精神的複調:近代中國的催眠術與大眾科學 指導教授:王文基老師 Thesis Title: The Polyphonic Psyche: Hypnotism and Popular Science in Modern China Advisor: Wen-Ji Wang |
陳柏勳 Po-Hsun Chen |
論文題目:面對中藥全球化下的藥材風險:臺灣之馬兜鈴酸爭議與回應 指導教授:雷祥麟老師 Thesis Title: Tackling the Risk of Herbs under the Globalization of Chinese Herbs: Aristolochic Acid Controversy and Response in Taiwan Advisor: Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei |
賴品妤 Pin-Yu Lai |
論文題目:臺灣自閉症的誕生:從心理化、醫療化到成為法制上的受益者,1960-1990 指導教授:傅大為老師 Thesis Title: The Birth of Autism in Taiwan: From Mentalization, Medicalization to The Legalized Benefits, 1960-1990 Advisor: Daiwie Fu |
商若飛 Zsofia Samodai |
論文題目:帶自我上山:當代台灣的正念靜坐 指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Guiding the Self up the Mountain: Mindfulness Meditation in Contemporary Taiwan Advisor: Jia-shin Chen |
【104學年度】 | |
廖恩琪 En-Chi Liao |
論文題目:日常的反常 :女性飲食失調日常生活實作 指導教授:陳嘉新老師、郭文華老師 Thesis Title: Ordinary Abnormality: Women’s Everyday life Disordered Eating Practice Advisor: Jia-shin Chen、Wen-hua Kuo |
吳冠燁 Kuan-Yeh Wu |
論文題目:打造手機裡的治療師:正念治療的行動健康應用 指導教授:陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Crafting a Therapist inside the Smartphone: The Application of Mindfulness Therapy to Mobile Health Advisor: Jia-shin Chen |
陳彥宏 Yang-Hong Chen |
論文題目:工程實驗測試機台開發的STS研究-以一家本土小型企業為例 指導教授:洪文鈴老師、楊弘任老師 Thesis Title: An STS Study On The Development of Engineering Testing Equipment: A Case of a Small Taiwanese Machinery Firm Advisor: Wen-Ling Hong、Hung-Jen Yang |
【103學年度】 | |
徐傑歆 Chieh-Hsin Hsu |
論文題目:身體感、技術物與默會知識:八人制拔河的科技與社會分析 指導教授:郭文華老師 Thesis Title: The Expressiveness of the Body, Artifacts and Tacit Knowledge: A study of Tug of War Advisor: Wen-Hua Kuo |
林昱辰 Yuchen Lin |
論文題目:人眼不能逐:視覺障礙閱讀的技術研究 指導教授:傅大為老師 Thesis Title: Too Fast to Catch up : A Technology Studies on the Reading Positions of Visual Disability Advisor: Daiwie Fu |
張嘉芮 Chia-Juei Chang |
論文題目:道地藥材的東亞移轉:台灣當歸的興起與科學爭議,1957-1972 指導教授:王文基老師、雷祥麟老師 Thesis Title: Authenticity, Locality and Medicinal Materials in East Asia: The Rise of Taiwanese Dang Gui and Its Controversy, 1957-1972 Advisor: Wen-Ji Wang、Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei |
何明政 Ming-Cheng Ho |
論文題目:覆蓋溼地的陽光-從永安溼地太陽能發電廠開發案看人類與自然之間的關係 指導教授:楊弘任老師 Thesis Title: Sunlight covers the wetland:Analyzing the relationship between human and nature in the case of Yungan wetland solar power plant development program Advisor: Hung-Jen Yang |
曾繁萍 Fan-Ping Tseng |
論文題目:打造醫療機構中的「協作專業」:外科助手的工作、技能與身分認同 指導教授:郭文華老師 Thesis Title: Crafting a “Professional” for Surgery in Medical Institutions: Surgical Assistants and Their Emerging Identity in Clinical Teamwork Advisor: Wen-Hua Kuo |
陳鈺萍 Yu-Ping Chen |
論文題目:母職的生物醫療化:台灣當代母乳哺育的專業知識與身體實作 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Biomedicalization of Motherhood: Expertise and Embodied Practice of Breastfeeding Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin |
【102學年度】 | |
謝依容 Yi-Jung Hsieh |
論文題目:雄性禿的醫療與社會:以醫療化、藥療化、醫用者三面向為主軸 指導教授:傅大為老師 Thesis Title: The Medicine and Society of Male Baldness (Alopecia): Considered in Terms of Medicalization, Pharmaceuticalization, and User-centered Relationship Advisor: Daiwie Fu |
林桂卉 Guei-Huei Lin |
論文題目:拼裝醫療化:台灣精神醫學的自殺論述與政策參與 指導教授:王文基老師、陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Assembled Medicalization: Suicide Prevention and Psychiatry in Taiwan Advisor: Wen-Ji Wang、Jia-shin Chen |
柯雲皓 Yun-Hao Ko |
論文題目:第三波STS的專家政治:以台灣犬貓餵食法爭議為例 指導教授:傅大為老師 Thesis Title: Politics of Expertise in the Third Wave of STS: A Controversy Study on Pet-Feeding in Taiwan Advisor: Daiwie Fu |
湯家碩 Chia-Hsuo Tang |
論文題目:重訪龍發堂:精神衛生治理與一個機構的道德生涯,1980-1990 指導教授:王文基老師、陳嘉新老師 Thesis Title: Revisiting Long Fa Tang: Mental Health Governance and the Moral Career of an Institution, 1980-1990 Advisor: Wen-Ji Wang、Jia-shin Chen |
蔡旻霈 Min-Pei Tsai |
論文題目:風險論述與科學民主化:高屏大湖開發爭議之研究 指導教授:范玫芳老師 Thesis Title: Risk Discourses and Democratizing Science: The Study of the Controversies on the KaoPing Great Lakes Project Advisor: Mei-Fang Fan |
黃于倫 Yu-Lun Huang |
論文題目:工農之間-大潭鎘汙染事件研究,1960至1990年代 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Between Industry and Agriculture: A Case Study of Cadmium Pollution in Datan(1960s-1990s) Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin |
張簡妙琳 Miao-Lin ZhangJian |
論文題目:水患治理的知識與政治:旗山溪治水爭議之研究 指導教授:范玫芳老師 Thesis Title: Knowledge and the Politics of Flood Control: The Controversy over the Flood Control of the Chi-Shan River Advisor: Mei-Fang Fan |
林孟琪 Meng-Chi Lin |
論文題目:台灣奈米標章的發展 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: The Development of Nanomark in Taiwan Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin |
【101學年度】 | |
陳姿琪 Tzu-Chi Chen |
論文題目:乳房攝影啟示錄─醫學觀看、論述與使用者經驗 指導教授:傅大為老師 Thesis Title: Mammography revealed─Medical gaze, discourse and user’s experience Advisor: Daiwie Fu |
易俊宏 Chun-Hung Yi |
論文題目:機車道路空間的科技與社會觀點分析—以台北市為例 指導教授:傅大為老師 Thesis Title: A STS perspective Analysis of the road way space for motorcycle—A Case Study of Taipei City Advisor: Daiwie Fu |
【100學年度】 | |
邱佩青 Pei-Ching Chiu |
論文題目:科學普及或科學傳播:《科學人》中的全球暖化議題研究 指導教授:王文基老師 Thesis Title: Communicating Global Warming in the Taiwanese Version of Scientific American Advisor: Wen-Ji Wang |
鄭芷伃 Chin-Yu Cheng |
論文題目:反核不要返核:貢寮地方核能風險認知與在地行動 指導教授:范玫芳老師 Thesis Title: No Nukes and not return to nuclear power: Risk Perception of Nuclear Energy and Local action in Gong-Liao Advisor: Mei-Fang Fan |
黃雅莊 Ya-Chuang Huang |
論文題目:從政策思維探討我國環保科技園區計畫之推動 指導教授:范玫芳老師 Thesis Title: The Study of the Environmental Science and Technology Parks in Taiwan from Policy Thinking Perspective Advisor: Mei-Fang Fan |
洪均燊 FONG Jiun Shen |
論文題目:「肺病指南」:民國時期肺結核療養與病患角色 指導教授:王文基老師 Thesis Title: ‘How to be a Patient’: Tuberculosis, Health Advice and Sick Roles in Republican China Advisor: Wen-Ji Wang |
王蓉 Jung Wang |
論文題目:積勞成「疾」:論過勞職業病的標準化與社會運動 指導教授:林宜平老師、翁裕峰老師 Thesis Title: Identifying Karoshi: Social Movement and the Standardization of Occupational Disease Due to Overwork Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin、Yu-Feng Wong |
葉至齡 Chih-Ling Yeh |
論文題目:孕婦「電磁波防護衣」的母職技術史–一個行動者網絡理論的觀點 指導教授:楊弘任老師 Thesis Title: Anti-Risk in pregeant in Taiwan Advisor: Hung-Jen Yang |
周宛錡 Wan-Chi Chou |
論文題目:既微小又巨大─奈米化妝品利益與風險之社會世界分析 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Little Nano and Big Risk: Social Worlds Analysis of Nano-cosmetics’ Interest and Risk Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin |
簡羽君 Yu-Chun Chien |
論文題目:醫師工時合理化之科技與社會研究 指導教授:林宜平老師 Thesis Title: Whit Coat Labor: A Study of Physicians’ Working Hours Advisor: Yi-Ping Lin |
【99學年度】 | |
何怡真 Yi-Chen Her |
論文題目:技術選擇、治療規劃與身體反思:初探齒顎矯正的醫用者論述 指導教授:郭文華老師 Thesis Title: Choices of Techniques, Treatment Programs and Reflections of the Body: viewing orthodontic practices from the perspective of utilizers of medical service Advisor: Wen-Hua Kuo |
張琦鈺 Chi-Yu Chang |
論文題目:實驗室中的隱喻、影像與風格—以陽明醫工實驗室實作為例 指導教授:傅大為老師 Thesis Title: Metaphors and Images, and Styles in Laboratory – the case of Biomedical Engineering Laboratory in National Yang-Ming University Advisor: Daiwie Fu |