The Institute of Science, Technology and Society (ISTS) was founded in 2008 as one of the pioneering academic institutions in Taiwan addressing the social and cultural dynamics of science and technology. Since its establishment, the faculty and students have aimed their work at enhancing the scholarly understanding of the interdependence of science, technology and society, raising social awareness and offering insight to policy makers.
The faculty members of the institute have diverse academic backgrounds and interests. They provide a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses on science, technology, and society (STS) with interdisciplinary perspectives. The institute offers a Master of Social Science degree and welcomes applicants from different academic fields and career paths. Being the leading academic institution of science and technology studies in Taiwan, the institute is committed to provide graduate students with specialized professional training in STS, while also preparing them to be active participants in public debates concerning science and technology. Many of the graduates move on to pursue Ph.D. degrees in related fields, while others expand their career opportunities in varied fields, including business, biotechnology, public service, law, and medicine.
Contact Information:
Phone: +886-2-2826-7000 ext. 65072
Fax: +886-2-2821-5949
Address: No. 155, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112304, Taiwan